EMERGENCIES CALL: (843)761-8282 or (888)202-1381 TTY: 800-647-2066

Volunteer Program

The Berkeley Community Mental Health Center encourages volunteers from the community to work in the administrative and clinical areas because they are a source of caring and support for patients and a valuable asset to the staff.

Volunteers enhance care and help to build closer ties between the community and the mental health system. In addition to providing extra “hands” and support to patients and their families, volunteers help dispel the stigma and misconceptions often surrounding mental illness.

Interested in volunteering?

Please contact us at (843) 761-8282
or fill out the form below.

Berkeley Community Mental Health Center

403 Stoney Landing Road
Moncks Corner, SC 29461

Mobile Crisis Line: 843-761-8282 ext 5

Mobile Crisis Line (after hours): 1-833-364-2274

Phone: 843-761-8282 or 1-888-202-1381
TTY: 1-800-647-2066
Fax: 843-761-7308



Monday thru Friday
8:00am 06:00pm